Writing ISO to DVD or USB thumb drive
Write to DVD or USB thumb drive

1. Insert your USB thumb drive or DVD into your computer.
2. Download and install a free software such as Rufus, Etcher or BalenaEtcher.
3. Open Rufus, Etcher or BalenaEtcher, and select the ISO image file you want to write to the USB or DVD.
4. Select your USB thumb drive or DVD from the device list.
5. Click "Start" or "Write" to begin writing the ISO image to your USB thumb drive or DVD. This process may take a few minutes.
6. Once the process is complete, safely eject the USB thumb drive or DVD from your computer.
1. Insert your USB thumb drive or DVD into your computer.
2. Download and install a free software such as BalenaEtcher or UNetbootin.
3. Open BalenaEtcher or UNetbootin, and select the ISO image file you want to write to the USB or DVD.
4. Select your USB thumb drive or DVD from the device list.
5. Click "Start" or "Write" to begin writing the ISO image to your USB thumb drive or DVD. This process may take a few minutes.
6. Once the process is complete, safely eject the USB thumb drive or DVD from your computer.
1. Insert your USB thumb drive or DVD into your computer.
2. Open your terminal and type "sudo fdisk -l" to identify the name of the device you want to write the ISO image to. Make sure you identify the correct device name, as the following steps will erase all data on the device.
3. Type "sudo umount /dev/device_name" to unmount the device.
4. Type "sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/iso/file of=/dev/device_name status=progress && sync" to write the ISO image to your USB thumb drive or DVD. This process may take a few minutes.
5. Once the process is complete, safely eject the USB thumb drive or DVD from your computer.
Step 1: Download and Install BalenaEtcher Go to the BalenaEtcher website and download the version of the software that is compatible with your operating system. Once the download is complete, double-click on the installer file and follow the instructions to install BalenaEtcher on your computer.
Step 2: Insert USB Thumb Drive Insert the USB thumb drive that you want to write the ISO image to into your computer's USB port.
Step 3: Open BalenaEtcher Launch BalenaEtcher. You should see a screen with three options: "Flash from file", "Flash from URL" and "Flash from Torrent". Select "Flash from file".
Step 4: Select ISO File Click on the "Select image" button and browse to the location where your ISO image file is stored. Once you have located the ISO file, select it and click on the "Open" button.
Step 5: Select USB Thumb Drive Make sure the correct USB thumb drive is selected. If you have multiple USB devices connected to your computer, make sure you choose the correct one from the list. You can confirm that you have selected the correct device by checking the device's name and size.
Step 6: Start Writing ISO Image Click on the "Flash!" button to start writing the ISO image to the USB thumb drive. BalenaEtcher will begin copying the image to the USB drive. The progress bar will show you the progress of the writing process.
Step 7: Eject USB Thumb Drive Once the writing process is complete, BalenaEtcher will notify you that the process is finished. You can now safely eject the USB thumb drive from your computer.